During the summer of 1986, it was my great privilege to study at L’Abri in Switzerland.  Francis Schaeffer had died two years earlier, but his wife Edith, was there.  Not only did I get to hear Edith Schaeffer lecture, but one of the Schaeffer’s son-in-laws, Ranald, was my mentor.  Ranald Macaulay co-authored a book with Jerram Barrs which had a big influence on me.  The book was Being Human: the Nature of Spiritual Experience.

It is hard to describe the beauty of lush green rolling hills surrounded by the awesome Alps of Switzerland, but it is definitely one of my favorite places to read!



2 thoughts on “FAVORITE PLACES TO READ #2

  1. Jeannie Love

    What an experience! BUT, noticing the increase in airfares, you SHOULD consider finding a replacement for the Swiss Alps 🙂 Perhaps a wall mural would do the trick 🙂

  2. Dave Post author

    Indeed, but you never know what the Lord might do…

    I will say that spot has not been touched by the most severe effects of the Fall!


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