Monthly Archives: April 2014


Go ahead!

There are many opportunities, especially if you are okay with not getting paid for awhile.

Participate in the blogs you like.  Remember to keep your comments short.  Many violate this rule.

Start your own blog. If I can, anyone can!

Review books.  It is a good way to build a great library.

Do good job.  Work at it.

Write because you must.  Your gut is driving you.

Quantity is your friend.  As Stephen King says (On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft), read and write a lot!  But stay away from King’s swearing!



The question is about as absurd as the picture.
This past Monday night I was coming back from a board meeting for our ministry and heard the host and his guest speculating wildly.  They even gave credence that the wedding of Cana in Galilee was in fact the wedding of Jesus!
Speculation is fun.  Speculation allows us to avoid the clear and many times hard edges of revelation’s claims.




Image Credit: YouTube

The man in the picture is Dr. Charles Murray.  Murray writes things that make people think.  I certainly don’t agree with what he said in his blockbuster book, The Bell Curve, but I wouldn’t keep our sons from hearing him.  They are both college students at the University of Texas.  I expect them to hear the full range of views and opinions.  Unfortunately, there are some Christians who prefer to hunker down in their fortresses:




My computer diagnostics tells me there is traffic to this site from the Ukraine.  Whether this is spam or legitimate readers, is impossible to know.  If it is the latter, I would love to hear what your perspective is on what is going on in the Ukraine.


The man in the picture is biblical scholar and agnostic, Bart Ehrman.  His story of leaving the Christian faith is well-known.  His books are widely read and vigorously debated.
In my own correspondence with Ehrman I found him quite candid about doubt.  He admitted that how one chooses to look at the evidence for the Bible’s reliability greatly influences what conclusion one comes to.  For one scholar who came to a wholly different conclusion than Ehrman: