- Dave Moore Speaking Packet
- How to Think Study Guide (Based on book by Alan Jacobs)
Engaging Controversy, Exhibiting Courage, and Exemplifying Christ-Like Character: Is it Possible in Today’s Climate?
We live in turbulent and divisive times. Many Christians tell me that they can’t talk about political differences…with their best friends! How much hope is there then to discuss controversial matters with those we don’t know? Most are pessimistic about the prospect.
I believe we can do much better. The tools to do so are available.
For many years, I’ve been thinking and writing about how people ought to engage on issues that they vehemently disagree on. I’ve decided it is high time to speak on it.
My conversation partners are liberals and conservatives, though you will find out that I don’t much care for those labels. Too many on both sides resort to labels instead of doing the hard work of better understanding what “the other side” truly believes.
I am available to speak and interact with your group starting July 15.
For those interested in more extended input, I have put together a study guide with several discussion questions of How to Think: a Survival Guide for a World at Odds by Alan Jacobs.
Cost: Pay my expenses and whatever honorarium you deem appropriate.
Recent and Upcoming Speaking:
Feb. 15: Interview scholar for documentary
Feb. 28: Bible study for graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin/Hill House
March 6: Interview scholar for documentary
March 25: Bible study for undergraduate students at the University of Texas at Austin/Hill House
April 2: Teach on forthcoming book, God, What on Earth are You Doing? in Dallas, Texas
April 15: Bible study for undergraduates at the University of Texas at Austin/Hill House
May 22: Interviewed by Professor Mark Bauerlein for First Things Podcast
June 5,12,19,26: Stepping into Controversy seminar at the University of Texas at Austin/Hill House
July 3,10,17: Stepping into Controversy seminar at the University of Texas at Austin/Hill House
Aug. 22: Podcast and documentary work at Baylor University
Sept. 23 and 30: Teach University of Texas faculty for CRU faculty ministry
Dec. 14: “Stepping into Controversy” seminar at Brenham Bible Church
Dec. 15: Preach at Brenham Bible Church
Dec. 29: Preach at Grace Bible Fellowship in Bastrop, TX
Feb. 13, 14: Dave interviews scholar for documentary (Dallas, TX)
Feb. 28-March 1: Doreen speaking at women’s retreat (Ft. Worth, TX)
March 13: Dave and Doreen lead discussion of The Screwtape Letters at Hill House/University of Texas (Austin, TX); cancelled
March 25: Doreen speaks at Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL); postponed
March 25: Dave speaks at Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL); postponed
June 10-July 29: Teach theology course for Hill House/UT
June 9 and 16: Teach theology course for friends of Two Cities Ministries
July 11: Preach at Moore/Jackson wedding
June 19: Teach on Screwtape Letters
August 3-6: Course on The Pilgrim’s Progress (Ft. Myers, FL)
In light of the coronavirus outbreak, some speaking was postponed and will be rescheduled.
“God, What on Earth are You Doing?: an Honest Conversation” (scheduling various places)
“Stepping into Controversy” course/seminar (scheduling various places)
Done Documentary
Where will you be speaking next Dave? I know it will be good.