Category Archives: Aging


Princeton University Press has hit an absolute grand slam homer with these elegant and inexpensive editions of ancient classics. I have purchased several of them. My recent reads were Seneca on anger and this one by Cicero on aging.

I highlighted much of both books and made loads of notes.

Not to be missed!


In my early fifties (I am now 64), I started to keep a designated journal on aging. It has random reflections of mine and books I’ve read.

American pastors talk very little about aging, even though the Bible has much to say about it. And aging is an important subject not only for us older folks, but those much younger are wise to think about the body’s decline (see Ecc. 12).

I picked up Changing Minds at the Harvard bookstore, one of my happy places. It was in a stack of copies at a significant discount.

Changing Minds is not long (166 pages), but that does not limit its brilliance. It is a careful work, but the writing is lucid along with many fascinating studies that hold the reader’s attention.

These fascinating studies and insights demonstrate as the subtitle says, “how aging language and language affects aging.”

Highly recommended!


Reflections from one of my journals:

Aging is a secret society to your younger self.  You enter into it much quicker than you ever imagined.  The dues which you must pay are very steep!