I could describe and defend the following seven statements at length but will hold off.
Various polls confirm the following observations. I am happy to know several Christians who have chosen a better way.
Many American Evangelicals are more concerned, even consumed, with being politically or culturally literate than knowing the Bible, the church’s history, and theology.
Discipleship, as Dallas Willard regularly declared, is almost non-existent.
We love resurrection power but have forgotten what it means to be crucified with Christ.
Too many churches tolerate unqualified leaders.
J.I. Packer said the greatest need of the church is Christian education (he used the word catechesis), but few have heeded his counsel.
Many of us are confused by what the gospel entails, and fewer still share it with others.
We are gladly stuck in our tribes and echo chambers.
I have been a believer for 49 years, and I would agree with these claims; however, mine is not a vast realm of influence. I did notice, though, that to me some of those claims are the result of the ‘unqualified leadership’ claim. Because of the leadership the body is not discipled, doesn’t know the scope of the Gospel, have not experienced nor had the opportunity to experience within the local fellowship, Christian education. The point of cultural literacy is a personal choice as to how one spends his/her time. The choice to be ‘gladly stuck in our tribes and echo chambers’ probably comes from our personal need to avoid conflict combined with the harshness one meets when attempting to ‘disagree agreeably.’
Very much agree with everything you said. If there were more qualified people in leadership, we would obviously still have problems, but they would not be as numerous nor as acute.
We become like those who lead us, as Luke 6:40 makes clear.