I think that Siedell’s reading of the Book of Jonah as a parable is right on. I even believe that Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son was a retelling of this story with the repenting, wayward son representing the sailors and people of Nineveh, and the indignant elder son standing in for the prophet Jonah. Note that both stories end with a speech by the Father/God eliciting a response from the elder son/Jonah. But no response is recorded, so the reader is forced to consider how he/she would respond under the same circumstances.
His comments on the role of the Christian artist, musician, film maker, etc. were also enlightening.
I think that Siedell’s reading of the Book of Jonah as a parable is right on. I even believe that Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son was a retelling of this story with the repenting, wayward son representing the sailors and people of Nineveh, and the indignant elder son standing in for the prophet Jonah. Note that both stories end with a speech by the Father/God eliciting a response from the elder son/Jonah. But no response is recorded, so the reader is forced to consider how he/she would respond under the same circumstances.
His comments on the role of the Christian artist, musician, film maker, etc. were also enlightening.
Hey Dave. So glad you appreciated this message as well!