The man in the picture above is my friend, Evan Hock. Evan is pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in the Denver area. We met during our respective studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. The picture is a nice depiction of Evan: thoughtful, but with a playful smirk about to tell you who knows what.
In an email exchange over a friend’s infidelity, Evan wrote this:
“…I am finding out that many of these ‘breakdown’ cases (with men in their mid-40s and 50s) arise from men who have not taken seriously enough the cultivation of a degree of spiritual formation within their lives internally. It has been all-to-often tilted towards doctrinal and rational consistency or built upon gifted performance and diligence but at the expense or neglect of deeper questions addressing ‘truth in the inner part.’ There has been a growing disconnect within them. In time, certain passions, perhaps out of fear of having lost something, or missed something desired, or a yearning to connect to something more, so they assert themselves recklessly in the name of a ‘fuller life.’ In the process, they question the reality of their faith.” (Emphasis mine)
David–have enjoyed looking at your site. Do you have a place where I can add my name to follow you–or be added to a contact list? Thx/Steve
Thanks Steve. There is a RSS feed on the homepage. I am not on Twitter or Facebook and probably will keep it that way. This blog, my own book writing, and Linkedin are plenty!