Lots of food for thought here!

Albert Mohler reflects on a lecture where he heard an insight that was life altering, “Several years ago, I attended a lecture in which I seized upon a thought that has never left me.  The lecturer was Doctor Heiko Obermann, the great and now late historian of the late Medieval and early Reformation eras.  In the midst of his lecture, he looked out at the audience, paused, reflected, and then said,

‘I can see that you do not understand what I am saying to you.  What I am saying to you is that you do not live life as Martin Luther lived life.  You do not wake up in the morning as he did, nor do you go to bed at night as he did.  You need to understand something about changed conditions of belief.  Do you not understand that in the time of Martin Luther, almost every single human being in European civilization woke up afraid that he would die before nightfall?  Eternal destiny was a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute thought.  Every night, as the late Medieval or early Reformation human being closed his eyes, he feared that he would wake up either in heaven or in hell.  You do not live with that fear.  And that means that your understanding of these things is very different from Martin Luther’s.  That’s why he threw ink pots at the Devil, and you close your notebook and sleep well at night.'”

(Excerpted from atheism REMIX, p. 15-16 by R. Albert Mohler Jr.)



2 thoughts on “NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE

  1. Lindsey

    Wow. What a great way of describing the nearness of the spiritual world to Luther and his era, and that his awareness of it was entirely justified.

  2. Dave Post author

    Hey Lindsey,

    Yes, there is much we have to learn from the likes of Luther, but don’t be throwing your computer at the wall!


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