Category Archives: Art


I watched some of the Emmy Awards tonight. 
It was actually fairly tough for me to watch it. 
I appreciate what it takes to make great art, but the glory of people was on full display. Jesus says it is impossible to believe when we desire glory from human beings (Jn. 5:44).
What the Bible calls sin was celebrated as virtuous (Isa. 5:20).
It convicts me that so many expend great effort for a perishable crown. It makes me take personal inventory of my willingness to give myself for a imperishable crown (I Cor. 9:24-27).
Sadness and a desire for God to show mercy are my prayer for Hollywood. 


I met Dave and Gwen McCoy about twenty years ago when I was a pastor.  Wonderful folks!

Dave was one of our best Sunday school teachers.  Dave is amillennial in his understanding of so-called “end-times” matters or at least he used to be.  The church was and remains premillennial.  I am now “agnostic” on how it will all end/begin anew, but that topic is for another time.

Back to Dave.  Our elders still allowed Dave to teach and several sat in his class.  Indeed, they told me on a regular basis how much they were learning from Dave.

Though Dave’s training is in the sciences (he holds a Ph.D. in organic chemistry), he has a keen interest in literature and the arts.  I vividly remember seeing several of his works of art on display throughout his home.  

Well, what I saw about twenty years ago, you can see for yourself via the marvels of the Internet.  By the way, the picture above depicts Ecc. 9:4 about how it is “better to be a live dog than a dead lion.”