Coleridge, convinced he will die soon, plans to spend £100 on books so his library will be appropriately impressive.
(He died 26 years after writing this in his notebook)
Coleridge, convinced he will die soon, plans to spend £100 on books so his library will be appropriately impressive.
(He died 26 years after writing this in his notebook)
I had my regular meeting with my friend, Warren, today. I told him that many of us Christians believe the gospel is summarized in the following line:
God gives us inspiration for what we already want to do.
Basically, it is the “American dream” with some Christian terminology thrown in.
The real gospel invites us to a story that is not being written by us. We have to submit to the Storyteller to be part of the story He is telling. It is a ghastly idea to autonomous Americans, but the best thing going in the universe even if marked by a life of suffering. Christian brothers and sisters in other parts of the world where open hostility to Jesus is the norm know this is the REAL story worth being part of!