Monthly Archives: May 2014


Terrific interview with D. Michael Lindsay on his latest book.  Here’s an excerpt:
“I’m very persuaded by a political philosopher named J.P. Nettl who likens social movements and their effectiveness to rock formations. He says there are two kinds of rock formation. If you go into a cave, you have stalactite rock formations, which come down from the top, and stalagmites, which come up from the ground. He says if you’re wanting to figure out what’s the strongest base of support, it’s when the stalactite formation meets up with the stalagmite rock formation and they form a single column. That, in my opinion, is very important and quite instructive for us to think about all kinds of social movements.”


I will cut to the chase.

Leadership books, and I’ve read my share, usually tell you the obvious or near obvious.

This one is different.

Grounded in solid insights from history, literature, culture, and the Scriptures, it is one leadership book I recommend with enthusiasm.


Dwight Pentecost was nearing seventy years old when I had him as a professor in the early 1980s.  And he kept teaching and teaching at Dallas Seminary, all the way into his late nineties.  He recently went to be with the Lord having just passed his ninety-ninth birthday!
There are many distinct things I recall about Dr. P (his nickname).  There was his humor.  There was his genuine care for students which I experienced firsthand.  And there was his reverence for God’s Word.  He taught us through it line by line with no notes, except those that were already in his Bible.
A tribute page from Dallas Seminary:


I say “more accessible” because this is hardly A Secular Age for Dummies. Charles Taylor’s massive and dense book is tough sledding. I have not read much of it, but am certainly familiar with the work of Taylor.In How (Not) to Be Secular, Jamie Smith brings the intellectual cookies to a lower shelf, but don’t be fooled, serious thinking is still required. Smith respects his readers by providing an accessible, yet thoughtful distillation of one of the most consequential books of our day.

Instead of doing a typical book review, let me briefly mention six things I appreciated about this book:

*The writing style is elegant and engaging. Let me give one example from page 11: “Ardor and devotion cannot undo the shift in plausibility structures that characterizes our age.” This is wonderfully conceived, but it is also pregnant with implications.

*There is a judicious use of illustrations from literature, music, and movies.

*Since I am not a dispassionate reader on the subject of doubt (I know the struggle to believe firsthand), I am grateful for the insights on living in this unusual climate of secularism.

*The author is careful to understand his subject matter. A good example is the compassionate assessment of the troubled genius, David Foster Wallace. Smith does not offer a glib critique of Wallace’s writings. Wallace is looked at seriously, even one could say, sympathetically. To be sure, Smith does not agree with Wallace’s overall philosophy, but Smith does a good job of showing how others have missed salient features of Wallace’s approach.

*Smith clearly appreciates Charles Taylor’s overall project in A Secular Age. However, that does not impede Smith from offering important pushbacks and critiques.

*Both Smith and Taylor understand that a silly, sentimental, and Sunday School-ish type of faith is hardly enough to stave off the onslaughts of secularism. Smith does a good job of showing how foolish it is to abandon the Christian faith for the “mature” position of materialism. Rather, we ought to abandon the trivial or superficial beliefs of American Christianity.