Monthly Archives: April 2013


I often say coffee is as big a part of my day as is the old morning shower.  That actually is not true.  Coffee is a bigger part of my daily routine than showering.  Sometimes I skip the shower.  No kidding.

Anyone who knows me knows I like a good, strong cup of coffee.  Because it is my number one drink of enjoyment, I periodically fast from it.  The longest fast was a year, but usually a week or so confirms the weakness of my flesh and the need for a deeper relationship with Christ.

For you, it may not be coffee, so ponder what that food or drink may be.  If you have fasted from it, you know what I mean by the weakness of the flesh.

Imagine now how tough it would be to give up entirely what seems so natural to you.  You are not supposed to give it up for a week, or month, or even a year, but a lifetime.

I don’t say this to condone homosexuality as I trust those reading this understand.

I do say it to develop greater compassion for those who face the incredibly difficult task of giving up what feels so right.

Do you fast, and if so, what have you learned about yourself?  More importantly, what did you learn about God?


You are busy

I want to honor that

Therefore, I seek to be BRIEF, ENCOURAGING, THOUGHT-PROVOKING and at times HUMOR will hopefully find its rightful place


What Coffee Taught Me about Homosexuality

John Calvin Blogs about John Wesley

Dallas Seminary Pastors Don’t Teach the Bible

“Business Books” and Their Common Errors (Part One of Lots)

Cynical about Cynicism


Interpreting Scripture in a Climate-Controlled Study

John Adams Punches Tom Paine in the Nose

Loathsome, Christian Jargon

Moral Constipation

My Dinner Party for Augustine and a Few (Modern) Evangelical Leaders

Pooping Elephants, Mowing Weeds

Rob Bell Redux

The Marriage of Scot McKnight and Justin Taylor

The Worst Reader of the Bible in the World

Why the Business World Needs More Philosophers and Poets

Spiritual Vertigo

Your Family is not Your Hobby