Category Archives: Character


Regardless of whether you agree with Ben Sasse’s politics, you will benefit from his terrific book, The Vanishing American Adult.  Sasse’s book is well-written and contains a wonderfully informed, yet accessible treatment of history.  Senator Sasse is a highly educated man with a PhD in history from Yale.

By the way, some of the negative Amazon reviews make me wonder if those folks read the book very carefully…



It is wonderful to see publishers who care about a book’s design and aesthetics. Baylor University Press consistently hits home runs in these areas.

John Swinton has written a terrific book that makes us look more honestly at our ideas of time and how they impinge on our treatment of those with disabilities. Non-spoiler alert: we don’t do very well at either!

There is much to like about this book. It helps us wrestle with issues of great consequence and yet maintains a gracious tone throughout.

Perhaps this quote by Scott Bader-Saye from page 57 well describes the tenor of this terrific book: “The ways we experience, name, and interpret time contribute to the kinds of communities we imagine and inhabit.”

Highly recommended!


Yes, that’s right.  You heard me.  Here are a few things about Polk I learned from reading Walking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson by David Reynolds:

He determined to serve one term.

He rarely took vacations.

He sought to address four main campaign promises and did!

He worked extremely hard.

(Waking Giant, p. 351-53 by David Reynolds)